ALL of our surgeries use the inhalational anaesthetic agent Isoflurane. This drug is considered to be one of the safest agents available for use in human and animal patients.
It should be remembered that there is always a risk when anaesthetising patients, even in seemingly healthy animals/people.
To reduce the risk of anaesthetic complications, animals are monitored by a number of different methods.
Firstly, a nurse will keep written records of drugs administered and an animal’s parameters such as heart rate, respiratory rate and reflexes present throughout the anaesthetic.
Brampton & Longtown surgeries have pulse oximeters. These are machines that measure the oxygenation of the blood and can alert us to problems with the anaesthetic.
In addition, we have human standard monitors that are capable of measuring blood pressure and monitoring the electrical activity of the heart as well as the concentration of carbon dioxide gas exhaled.
Piped Gases
Our purpose built premises have allowed us to incorporate designs such as the piping of anaesthetic gases directly into each theatre, prep area and consulting room where they are needed. We also have a piped exhaust facility which ensures all gases which are breathed out can be actively scavenged away for staff and patient safety.