Semen Testing Bulls
This is becoming a routine part of our pre breeding fertility program. As we gather more data on bull fertility within the practice it is becoming ever more apparent that although completely infertile bills are relatively rare, sub fertile bulls are very common. It is these sub fertile bulls which give rise to extended calving patterns .We would encourage all breeding bulls to be fertility checked 2 months before the breeding season to ensure they are in the best condition. Also making sure you have adequate bull power ( 1-30/40 cows ) is essential.
Semen Testing Rams
As with bulls this is becoming a routine part of our pre breeding fertility program. As we gather more data on ram fertility within the practice it is becoming ever more apparent that although completely infertile rams are relatively rare, sub fertile rams are very common. It is these sub fertile rams which give rise to extended lambing .We would encourage all breeding rams to be fertility checked 2 months before the breeding season to ensure they are in the best condition.