Wasp/Bee Stings
- These are relatively common in the summer months especially with inquisitive young pups
- How serious a sting is depends very much upon where the animal was stung
- The most serious area to be stung is around the head or indeed inside the mouth .If vital structures such as the lips, tongue or throat start to swell up then we can be in a very serious situation very quickly
- If you know your pet has been stung try to determine where the sting was as soon as possible
- Then observe for swelling. If swelling appears quickly and is severe then call the vet immediately especially if it is in a vital area
- If a sting pouch from a bee is still in place gently tease it out
- If the swelling isn’t too bad then keep your pet under observation. They may become quiet, but shouldn’t lose consciousness. Their breathing should be regular
- If they appear sleepy, or their breathing becomes laboured or signs of swelling appear then contact the vet immediately.
Dog Attacks
Dog attacks are always a problem. Legally a dog owner has to have their dog under control at all times. If your pet is attacked by a dog then that dog’s owner is liable. Likewise if your own dog attacks another dog or strays onto a road & causes an accident then you are liable.
To avoid dog attacks keep your dog under control; if you see unattended dogs coming towards you call your own dog back & take control of it.
Take care & don’t get injured yourself
Once your dog is released from a bite there may be a lot of blood - apply a towel or handkerchief to the area with firm pressure. Phone us and bring the dog into the surgery immediately. Dog bites can be nasty & are always very badly infected.
Cut Pads
The best thing to do here is to apply pressure with a bandage until you get home. Then clean the wound off with a mild antiseptic solution such as salty water. If you have some of the antiseptic solutions from the surgery then all the better.
Do not use Dettol, Savlon or other strong irritant solutions.
Call the surgery.
Then apply firm pressure again until you get to the surgery or the bleeding stops. This may take up to 20minutes.
Road Traffic Accidents / Gunshot Wounds
These are unfortunately all too common. Always call the surgery immediately. As with human emergencies apply the A B C rule
A; Airways Make sure the Airways are clear, this may mean pulling the tongue out & wedging the mouth open with a piece of stick.
Look out for blood clots, broken teeth, cut tongues. Take care as injured and frightened pets may snap out of fear.
B; Breathing Make sure they are Breathing. Unfortunately it is not easy to resuscitate a pet. If you do try you have to breathe down the nose.
C; Circulation Try and feel for a pulse. The easiest place to do this is to hold the brisket at the level of the forelimbs. The heart beat can be felt here. If no pulse is felt then apply external cardiac massage.
To do this we lie the patient on their side with a cushion or piece of foam between the floor & the sternum/Brisket. Then with one hand upon the other compress on the chest just behind & above the elbow. The compression rate is the same as for humans:
4-6 heart compressions with a second or 2 between each compression.
As with humans – resuscitation is not required due to the movement of air in adn out of the chest as the heart is massaged. Dogs mouths are not hygienic either – so don’t place you mouth over your pet’s mouth
Your pet will usually need immediate attention & often the quickest way to achieve this is to bring your pet to the surgery, if at all possible. The best way to move your pet is by using a large blanket or towel as a stretcher to lift them into the car. Call the surgery to let us know you are on your way & so staff can prepare emergency equipment before your arrival. Pressure can be applied to areas of severe bleeding as described for cut pads.